Monday, 26 November 2012

Stuff I Bought


A couple of months ago I went shopping. I got some things from stores, but most of it I got from a friend who was selling a bunch of clothes she never wore. I was so excited about these new things, that I drew them all! I was happy with my garment drawing. Especially the dresses! If I were to make a paper doll of myself, I'd need to make two: one to fit the dresses (bigger) and one for the rest of the clothes. I was pretty close, overall! Now that I have a scanner to use, there will be more posts like this!

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Mystery Science Theatre 3000

I have seen a handfull of MST3K episodes in my life, and a few of them many times. I think because of MST3K, I have learned to tolerate really bad B movies by making fun of them in my head. 
For those of you unfamiliar with this show, I stole this from Wikipedia: 
"The series features a man and his robot sidekicks who are trapped on a space station by an evil scientist and forced to watch a selection of bad movies, often (but not limited to) science fiction B-movies. To stay sane, the man and his robots provide a running commentary on each film, making fun of its flaws and wisecracking (or "riffing") their way through each reel in the style of a movie-theater peanut gallery. Each film is presented with a superimposition of the man and robots' silhouettes along the bottom of the screen."

Yesterday I was kind of bored, and decided to make my own silhouettes from MST3K and make the internet a bit more entertaining:

Here they are making japes at my facebook.


Potter Puppet Pals! (They're still making episodes, by the way. I had no idea. Now I'm all caught up)


Here they are making fun of my dirty windows thanks to the construction guys.

Of course, making fun of me in the bathroom mirror. (Nice hairdo, Katherine, by the way)


More Youtube.

I drew the outline freehand from a google image reference. Cut it out, and ta-da! I can put it anywhere.

(they're even watching me make this blog post!)

Friday, 9 November 2012

Hello! Shoes, internet, park, halloween.

Hello! I have had so many ideas for blog posts, and I just haven't uploaded pictures from my phone in ages! Well, here are some photos for you to browse! 

This is my black shoe collection. I have a lot of black shoes. In fact, all of my dress shoes are black. If you ever need to borrow some black shoes size 6-6.5, let me know!

I was feeling nostalgic a while ago, and here I am watching Strongbad emails.

I spent a morning documenting all of the clothes I had purchased/acquired this fall in little pictures. But, surprise! My scanner doesn't work. I'll be scanning this in as soon as I can get it working again! 

I had a very nice walk in the park before the big storm hit. It was such a nice day, perfect for taking pictures! In fact, the park was filled with couples doing photo shoots!

I'm all like "it's the weekend and I'm still sleepy!"

Bright red maple leafs.

This photo is from a really awesome gig I did. I performed a work by Debussy for two harps, two flutes, celesta and narrator. An artist drew this live as we were performing. Seriously cool!

Happy Halloween! Can you guess what game we were from?

One guy saw us on the subway and yelled "where's your pea-shooter!?"

And that's all for now! I have a few photos of something silly, it will be in a new blog post shortly!